4216 TX-154, Yantis, Texas - (903) 383-2331

4216 TX-154, Yantis, Texas - (903) 383-2331

Regular Hours

First Tuesday Bingo

Doors open at 11:00am

Bingo at 12:30pm



Doors open at 5:30pm

Bingo at 7pm

  • Sessions may last 2+ hours depending on pull tab sales.

$25 Paper Pack (All games except Bonanza - All Level 1) - 9 On/14 Up

$12 Kids Paper Pack (All Level 2)

$25 Computer - 25 Level 2 Cards per Game

$50 Computer - 16 Level 1/50 Level 2 Cards per Game

$75 Computer - 33 Level 1/33 Level 2 Cards per Game

$100 Computer - 66 Level 1 Cards per Game

Bonanza Cards - 3 for $5 (Can be added to computer)

Blackout Cards - 3 On/1 Up - $2

All persons in attendance must play and buy in for at least $25.


Doors open at 4:30pm

Bingo at 6pm

Upcoming Events

  • Queen of Hearts Raffle Drawing

    Every Friday at 7pm!

  • Valentine's Day Bingo

    Friday, February 14th

    Live Music by Matt Fisher before Bingo!

    $2000 Blackout!

    Roses and candy to all winners!

  • 2nd Annual Designer Purse Bingo

    Mother’s Day Weekend

    Saturday, May 10th

    Doors open at 4pm, Bingo at 6pm

    Ticketed Only Event!

House Rules

  1. You must have the last number called to win.

  2. The number in the monitor is not valid until it is called.

  3. It is the player's responsibility to stop the game. Ball caller must hear you before next ball is called.

  4. Once the game is called, no other calls will be accepted.

  5. Electronics must be in the correct game to win. Electronic malfunction voids play.

  6. Do not cut or split cards.

  7. An ink dauber must be used or the bingo will not be valid.

  8. Children 6 and up are allowed but must be accompanied by an adult and play bingo.

  9. Payouts may be adjusted to comply with bingo regulations and/or based on attendance.

  10. We reserve the right to alter this program without prior notice.

  11. Caller will correct misplacements or errors.

  12. Operator on duty will handle and decide on all disputes.

  13. No sharing of paper or computers. Sharing will result in immediate cancellation of sale. Includes all special promotions. Every player must buy in.

Payouts & Attendance Rules

Level 1 = Full Pay Jackpots | Level 2 = Half Pay Jackpots

*Players are paid out according to their level of play and multiple bingos will be split accordingly.

25 Person Minimum to Play

Blackout Payouts

$1000 - 80 people or more